I remember the days when I was a little child and all I could ask was “Why?”. “Why is the sky blue?”. “Why do people love to enter a little box (the TV) and talk to us as if they knew who we are?”. “Why do birds fly and I can’t?”. I was driving my parents crazy with all of these silly questions, but imagine: for someone unfamiliar with so many things, with the world out there, older people, who seemed to know a whole lot more than I did, were my first source of information. As the years passed by, I replaced people with libraries, and therefore books, documentaries which were broadcasted on different foreign TV channels and later, much later, with the Internet. With the help of a simple search on Google, I could find everything I wanted to know without annoying people for nothing.
But how about Touch-Hear, an innovative concept based on a very advanced technology that converts your fingertips into the most useful source of knowledge and, why not, handier than others? That will certainly change our point of view concerning our fingertips, am I right or not? You must have come across words you did not fully understand, at least once in a while, and I’m sure you wanted to know its exact meaning. There’s a great line you’ve heard in the movie you saw last night and you want to share it with your girlfriend, but you can’t articulate one word, as French has never been a passion of yours. Yes, you could always use the translation, but what’s the magic in it? Now: what if by only running your finger across the letters of a word, even in different languages, “someone” will whisper in your ear its meaning or pronunciation? So, from now on, foreign words won’t be a problem for you anymore, meanwhile famous events and locations will briefly be explained.
The Touch-Hear is a concept developed by the Design Incubation Centre and could make a whole lot easier the process of studying for exams, as it helps the assimilation of additional information. The purpose of the design research laboratory is to “examine the possibility of expanding the human potential through technological devices, innately empowering users in their everyday activities”.
All you have to do, guys, is to read. No more, no less. But… does this concept apply to handwriting, also? Because, in this case, Touch-Hear must be very patient and intuitive, as some of us skipped calligraphy classes taught in the first grades.